FitSisters Online Programming
Delivered via app (TrueCoach) to your phone
Emailed weekly
Home exerciser to athletes
Suitable for all levels
Equipment or no equipment

General Fitness home programming
This option is best for the fitness enthusiast from beginner to intermediate with little or no equipment to train at home.
You will be able to message your coach, have accountability, programming emailed and delivered to your phone app.
Ability to upload progress photos, videos and your nutrition.
This program is $49 per month
Level 1 - No equipment
Level 2 - DB/skipping rope etc basic
Individualised Gym Programming
This programming option is for the gym goer that needs programming for all levels and goals but more specific for you and what you are trying to achieve. This program will incorporate equipment and more detailed and specifically written for you and delivered weekly to you in advance. You will be able to message your coach, upload videos, photos and have the accountability you need to achieve.
This program is $129 per month

Individualised Athlete Program Design & Remote Coaching
Are you eager to learn and improve? Do you need someone to help you achieve your training goals?
Every athlete has different strengths and weaknesses which require a different approach to maximising athletic potential
If you want a custom, individualised program design, and want to improve as efficiently as possible — then personalised coaching may be right for you.
Personalised Coaching with FSM includes programming designed specifically for you and your needs by your coach, access to your coach for video review, answers to your questions and to ensure you are continuing to hit your goals, Your coach will also provide any instructional videos, training overviews and support needed in your athletic journey.
This program is the most personalised and interactive program we offer at FSM. Coaching and programming is $249/month and will put you on the fastest track to meeting your competitive goals.
Submit your information below, and we’ll send you some more information and next steps.